orange aura that's how i-you can recognize you-me burnt umber old and crisp stale and crackling carbonated vibrating colour of badly dyed blonde hair peppering and irregular orange peels stretching outward for appx. 4 ft. surging towards lights, flaring and searing me-you sit on my-your chest and your-my magic making hands try to make me-you dead & finally quiet your-my big orange, you-me, courting my-your dusty purple, my-your delicate lavender the colour of my-your voice fragility not it's a volatile hue & your-my hard light might try to smother my-your gentle periwinkle curls but did you-i forget to calculate the dark fuschia undertone, the harsh deep pink i-you keep in my-your core & save for moments such as these my-your colour second coming is not to be underestimated i-you look dipped in that strange dark but bright purple dissonace the colour is shining, almost like wet and i-you took your-my orange and electrical crimson offshoots into my-your great efflorescing envelope and fed upon your-my anger and reverberated it in royal waves